ऊं ह्रीम हूम नम:।।
- 6 Mukhi Rudraksha pendent is for beauty and attraction.
- This rudraksha is related to Kartikeya (elder son of lord shiva) so this beads gives attitude, good character and love in family.
- Anyone working as artist and want to earn with name and fame so this rudraksha is very good for them.
- This leads towards youthfulness and fulfillment of desires.
- The wearer of six mukhi rudraksha pendent is blessed with the supreme qualities of lord kartikeya.
- It will make you fearless, attractive, bold, being spontaneous and smart.
- This bead is come from Nepal.
Ruling Planet:
Planet Venus is ruling planet for 6 Mukhi Rudraksha pendent. Strong Venus makes you special, attractive and delicate.
Benefits of Six Mukhi Rudraksha pendent:
- It brings stability in all aspect of life.
- It is very good to gain financial freedom and this can add luxury in your life.
- Removes malefic effects of planet Venus.
- In any one deals with luxury, feministic goods and show biz business then 6 mukhi rudraksha is very good for them.
- This is a best gift for loved ones, business partners and strugglers in glamour industry.
- Six mukhi rudraksha adds luxury in life and upgrade the living standard of wearer.
Health Benefits:
- If you are suffering from urinary tract system related disease then you should wear a 6 mukhi rudraksha pendent as it improves the effect of medication and help you to improve fast.
- It is very helpful to reduce the effects of lifestyle on sexual life. It improves your personal time with your loved once.
- You should wear this 6 mukhi rudraksha for skin and beauty related issue.
- Gives relax and relief from body pain and bone pain.
What we offer:
- One Lab Certified Natural Rudraksha Seed.
- Free Energization: Chanting Mantras of related planet (Venus) and undergo Radra Abhishek of Lord Shiva.
- How to wear guide: With each Rudraksha we give every detail like when, where and how to wear. This is very auspicious and we guide you in each and every step.
- A mantra which you should chant to fulfill your desire and wish.
- 9am to 9pm councilor support on 9118877495.
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